With a staff of 600 in Germany and abroad HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH has been operating successfully for decades in the field of customer-oriented mining all over the world.
Economic coal mining can only be ensured by modern and reliable machines as well as by qualified service. The single-boom drilling jumbo HDM 1 has an electrohydraulic central drive, a hydraulic hammer for percussive drilling or drill drive units for rotary drilling and has been constructed for the preparation of blast hole and anchor drillings as well as for roof bolting.
Sus características principales son las siguientes:
- diseño bajo y compacto, lo cual permite su aplicación en pequeños cruces de carreteras
- paralelo automático en el plano horizontal y vertical
- dos soportes frontales para mejorar la estabilidad
- diseño modular para montar y desmontar con facilidad los grupos de montaje y las unidades de transporte