Don't compromise on your impact bars… come to the inventor of the impact crusher!

Although the rotor is the most important component in your HAZEMAG impact crusher, the impact bars are the primary crushing tools. Essentially, the impact, or blow bars, absorb the crushing impact forces but, for this to work effectively, your HAZEMAG impact crusher must be properly operated and maintained. Relevant influencing factors include rotor speed, gap widths of the impactors, and the feed rate. All these factors must be optimally-matched to the type and size of the feed material.

For economic operation of your HAZEMAG impact crusher, it is extremely important that the correct blow bars are selected for different applications. The number of rows of blow bars, the shape of the blow bars, and the quality of the material used, are all relevant selection criteria.

As well as rotor speed, the number of rows of blow bars influences the depth of penetration into the material in the rotor impact circle, and significantly influences the crushing performance of your HAZEMAG impact crusher.

The choice of blow bar shape, and the material they’re made from, depends mainly on the resistance of the feed material.

As the inventor of the impact crusher, HAZEMAG is uniquely-placed to offer you fundamental know-how. With over 75 years of experience in the crushing industry, we have the expertise to determine the correct blow bar shape and quality for your process, and we can provide you with the optimum blow bar for every type of feed material.

High demands for quality, and our understanding of the need for cost optimisation, drives us to develop new and innovative solutions for our customers. HAZEMAG regularly carries out trials in our test centre as well as at our customers’ sites. This means that new product innovations are continuously tested, and continuously improved, in cooperation with our customers.

Key advantages:

  • Quality and experience from the inventor of the impact crusher
  • Innovative solutions through regular testing
  • Over 300 different combinations of blow bar shape, size and quality

HAZEMAG blow bars are available in a range of quality grades of manganese steel, martensitic steel and chrome steel. Different and innovative inserts can increase wear resistance, while the properties of the base material the same.


Manganese blow bars are characterised by their high resistance to impact forces. The original resilient surface is further strengthened by the forces occurring during breaking; increasing the hardness of the blow bar and its resistance to wear, whilst the durable core material ensures flexibility in the blow bar.

Manganese blow bars are mainly used in primary crushing, where feed material is typically large in size and, to a lesser degree, in secondary crushing.
Der Einsatz von Mangan-Schlagleisten mit innovativer Einlage erhöht die Standzeit nachweislich um bis zu 100%.

The use of manganese blow bars with an innovative insert has been proven to increase service life by up to 100%.:



In terms of hardness and toughness, martensitic steel blow bars are somewhere in the middle between the tough manganese blow bars and the hard chrome blow bars. With abrasive feed material, martensitic blow bars exhibit clear advantages when compared to manganese blow bars, and using martensitic blow bars minimises the high risk of breakage associated with the use of chrome blow bars.

Blow bars made of martensitic steel are used in secondary crushing and to some extent in tertiary crushing. Recycling construction waste is a typical area of application for the martensitic blow bar.

Our innovative ceramic inserts in martensitic blow bars achieve an increase in service life of up to 130% compared to martensitic blow bars without ceramic inserts. Regular trials with our customers show that HAZEMAG martensitic blow bars with ceramic insert achieve up to 30% longer service life than comparable qualities from competitors.




Chrome steel blow bars are extremely hard, and offer high wear resistance. This resistance to abrasive feed material means that tramp material must be avoided entirely, otherwise there is an increased risk of breakage.

Chrome blow bars are used in secondary and tertiary shredding, and service life can be increased by up to 100% by using chrome blow bars with ceramic inserts.



Stefan Wewers
Leiter Kundendienst / Head of Customer Service
Brokweg 75
48249 Dülmen – Germany

T:  +49 2594 77 487
F:  +49 2594 77 401
M: +49 171 7417670

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