allmineral boosts production output of Brazilian manganese ore
The use of innovative allmineral technology is making a substantial contribution towards increasing production output at Brazil’s Espaigão mine. Starting in August 2017, three high-performance alljig® fine jigs will be processing up to 50,000 tonnes of high-grade manganese ore with a consistently high quality suitable for the world market.
The plant for the efficient processing of extracted manganese ore from highly oxidised, iron and silicate-rich sedimentary rock will increase the annual output at the mine from 30,000 to 50,000 tonnes. Allmineral’s long-standing partner Küttner do Brasil has reliably installed, configured and set up the three high-performance alljig® fine jigs designed to process varying grain sizes.
The air-pulsed jigs separate the manganese ore of three different grain size fractions. A sensor-based alljig® G750x1800 processes up to 15 tonnes per hour of material ranging from 25 to 75 mm into manganese ore concentrate and a reject fraction. Another alljig® G750x1800 separates up to 20 tonnes of manganese ore sized between 5 and 15 mm; and an alljig® F750x1800 separates up to 20 tonnes sized between 1 and 10 mm.
The alljig® jigs used in Brazil stand for stability of the process while keeping the energy consumption low. The jigging motion used to separate the particles is wear-free and induced by preloaded air. This in turn allows for maximum flexibility with regard to adjusting the operating parameters for the stroke motion (frequency, amplitude and shape). More than 500 alljig® jigs of this working principle are in operation worldwide as of now.