How do you get from Duisburg to world leader using high-quality sand?
By building a sand castle using 3,500 tonnes of fine quartz sand! Indeed, master builders from ten nations clinched the world championship title in the Guiness Book of Records with their 16.68 m high structure, proving once again that Duisburg can certainly hold its own on the international stage. Congratulation to all!
allmineral has been competing successfully in the world market for more than twenty-five years now. After all, high-quality gravel and sand are essential raw materials – and not just when it comes to building sand castles! The construction industry is particulary reliant on adequate supplies of quality-controlled concrete aggregates.
Our patented allflux®-fluidised bed separators are highly efficient at separating lightweight fractions from fine-grained gravel sand. The technology used for the flow and control equipment is such that the fluidised bed produces three meticulousy graded types of high-quality sand with homogenous grain sizes for different areas of application. Something Duisburg – and the world at large – can certainly build in the future.